This is our latest baby. NO, not the roly poly little girl messing around - I mean the Bertoia Bird she is sitting on. We found this at a *relative* steal. Most people will say we paid way too much for a pieces of wrought iron steel. But, this is the Bird pre-shock mount. This may have been made by Bertoia himself! Lucky man...he designed a few now well-known pieces and cashed out. He spent the rest of his life dabbling in random things. Neat!
Yes, "WHAT are you thinking you crazy lady?!?!"...why did I put this cherished piece of history in Little A's room? Because my home is a construction zone, and I have no other space. My bedroom would be the logical place, however it is housing 2 Zenith Eames shell chairs, 2 Kodawood chairs, a red Eames Lounge Knockoff (affordable, easy on the eyes, and my black lab's chair of choice), a small desk with Bertoia chair, AND a bed...and nightstand.
It's a little cramped.
So the Bird is in the baby's room.
For now.
Little A has already knocked the Bird over, gauging the cork in the process. eeeek! When I wisen up and find a better home in my home for Birdie, I will do a full post dedicated to him/her (?!) Ideally, I would like it to be a humorous post full of sexy shots of the Bird. Kinda like Brick House. That girl has the BEST furniture posts ever. I can only aspire to create (and maintain) a blog as impeccable as The Brick House. sigh....
You can find a link to The Brick House on the right in my blog list :-)